Stockholm, SEPTEMBER 19 AND 20

In the recent years we have seen the Nordic construction sector grappling with a series of challenges – soaring material costs, Supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and more stringent environmental regulations to name but a few.

In the midst of what some may call a crisis in the Nordic construction market, affordable housing as well as other developers are facing a dual challenge. On one hand, economic pressures and supply chain disruptions have heightened the risks and costs associated with building projects. On the other, the pressing need for a green transition of the building stock is calling for more investments, better quality, and innovational thinking in the industry.

This situation represents tangible obstacles, but could it also contain opportunities for housing developers that recognize their critical role in mitigating climate change while ensuring social fairness.

This conference aims to unpack the various challenges and opportunities facing the construction sector in the Nordic countries. Through a series of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, participants will gain insights into the economic, regulatory, and technological factors influencing the market.